Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hello Vital Yoga community!

The United States is in the midst of a huge paradigm shift. Everywhere you look systems and ways of thinking are breaking down and being re-created. From our economic systems to who is leading us in the White House. The time is now to create and commune with people who are like minded.

For our part we have added several new ways for our community to grow together.

Essentially our blog site is a way to connect our community to each other through three distinct blog focuses: "I'm Offering", "I'm Requesting" and "Gratitude".

"I'm Offering" is a place for people who have something to give, sell or a service that they would like to offer.

"I'm Requesting" is a place for people to ask for what they are needing.

"Gratitude" is a location for us to share with each other about things, people and topics that are of benefit to our group.

Our "offering/requesting" sections are a way for you to work or barter with people within the Vital community. Are you a plumber that wants to offer a discount to other yogi's? Do you need a cleaning person to come to clean your house and want them to be able to hold a standing bow for 60 seconds?

Whatever you may have to offer and anything you could want we would love for you to look for it within your peaceful yoga community.

The "Gratitude" section is a place for any communication that is of appreciation or love. This is also a place to declare intentions or new commitments. We would love to hear good news from any area of your life. This is a unique place for us to share about what is going right in our lives.



Free Yoga at MyFreeYoga.com said...

I love this post so spiritual. Thanks

JK said...

Looking forward to Class with Patrick tommorow! Yoga inspiration!!

JK said...

Security and Peace...can we have both? Is external security overemphasized? How can we really learn to be patient with ourselves?